The user interface means the human-computer interaction. For this, it uses the input devices and software. The software used for the interaction between human and computer interaction is shown below:-

At top of interface one is MENUBAR contain Home, Draw, CNC, View. Below it there is  TOOLBAR arranged with a number of icons and most of the functions can be found there.
At the side there is DRAWING TOOLBAR  provide a different function for drawing.

At the right side of the interface, the toolbar is called LAYER TOOLBAR. It is provided with sixteen layers and parameter for cutting can be set  by clicking on layers and parameter
The GREEN layer is used for the cutting.
The white layer is used for the non-cutting.

At middle there is WORKSPACE. The drawing is set at the workspace. The size of workspace is according the bed length and width.

At the lower-left corner of workspace there is REFERENCE POINT. The reference point is used for setting the drawing and also provide a reference point for framing


At the left side corner, there is console or control. It is used to control machine also used to start the actual process. The function done by the remote can also be done by the console or control bar.
 the control bar is shown below

The first four arrows is used for the movement of the machine forward, backward, left and right.

The icon with nozzle image is used to control the movement of head up and down.
when you click on this button the machine move with prescribed speed.

 When you click on fast the machine move with maximum speed. You can also change the speed.

When you click on the step the machine moves in steps. Steps can be 1mm, 10mm, 20mm, 50mm. You can set steps according to requirement.

The set record and go record are important
because it helps the machine to remember the starting cutting point if your main supply off at the time of cutting.

Shutter and aiming are used for starting the LASER

The NC Control system is used for actual processing in cutting.

START is used to start cutting
FRAME is used for checking drawing according to sheet size.
SIMULATION,  before actual cutting, we can check the  cutting process by Autosort & Simulation

By selecting the only process selected graphics, the laser cut only selected graphics.

Forward and Backward is used for forwarding and backwards the cutting process.
